Curabitur ultrices commodo magna, ac semper risus molestie vestibulum. Aenean commodo nibh non dui adipiscing rhoncus.

How Does It Work?

What do you Get?

How to Start the Program?

Interested? Contact Us!


The Foreign Post readership is a tailor-made target audience for many advertisers. Our readers are up-market and they want high quality products and services, they're affluent and usually free-spending, they're internationally oriented and susceptible to advertising, they're often in business at a senior level, they have purchasing and decision-making powers, they travel a lot and they like nice cars, restaurants, hotels - the GOOD LIFE.

They represent a diversity of nationalities, cultures and creeds which would normally make them a difficult target for marketing. But from the advertisers viewpoint, they have one thing in common - they are loyal readers of The Foreign Post. And they are also buyers of our advertisers' products and services.

Standard issue size is 20 pages in tabloid format, printed offset on high quality bond paper.


Php 50.00 per line (one line contains about 22 small letters and spaces, or about 15 CAPITAL letters and spaces.)


We prefer advertisement material to be supplied as computerized data files. We can accept or convert data files created with most standard software programs but please check with our production department for software compatibility. Better reproduction of advertisement is assured if proofs are supplied.


We must receive advertisement bookings and complete material by midday every Thursday for publication on Thursday the following week. Any cancellation or postponement of a scheduled advertisement must also be received one week in advance, i.e., by the same Thursday midday deadline.


Available at National Bookstore nationwide

With legal deposit at National Library, Manila.


Publishers Association of the Philippines, Inc. (PAPI)


Total Circulation                         . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20,144  


Airlines (in-flight) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670  
Apartments / Condominiums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,280  
Chambers of Commerce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120  
Clubs (sports, county, etc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640  
Embasies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410  
Hotels and resorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,420  
Restaurants, bars, coffee shops   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,040  
Prospective Subscribers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800  
Other Outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,660  
Airline Offices Corporations    
Travel Agencies Schools    
Car Rental Retail Shops    
Banks Health and Fitness Centers    
Churches National Bookstores Nationwide      


Metro Manila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15,054  
Angeles / Mabalacat                    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 410  
Baguio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220  
Batangas / Mindoro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210  
Bicol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200  
Boracay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210  
Cavite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250  
Cebu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,580  
Davao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 860  
General Santos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100  
La Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340  
Palawan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250  
Subic / Olongapo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250  
Tagaytay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210  



With a circulation of about 20,100 copies per issue, and an average pass-on multiple of 4.6 readers copy, the total readership is about 92,000.


Historically, The Foreign post has been distributed free of charge since its inception in 1993. Because of strong demand by readers, however, the circulation is currently being converted to a paid basis via subscription and newsstands. In the transition period, complimentary promotional copies will still be available at the traditional circulations outlets, thus ensuring advertisers of the guaranteed minimum circulation of 20,100 copies.



Dimensions and File Size Guide      
Size Name Size Width Size Height Max File Size (bytes)
Button 1 (120x90) 120 90 15000
Button 2 (120x60) 120 60 15000
Full Banner (468x60) 468 60 15000
Half Banner (234x60) 234 60 15000
Half Page Ad (300x600) 300 600 15000
Large Rectangle (336x280) 336 280 15000
Leaderboard (728x90) 728 90 20000
Medium Rectangle (300x250) 300 250 20000
Micro Bar (88x31) 88 31 15000
Rectangle (180x150) 180 150 15000
Skyscraper (120x600) 120 600 15000
Square Button (125x125) 125 125 15000
Square Pop-up (250x250) 250 250 15000
Vertical Banner (120x240) 120 240 15000
Vertical Rectangle (240x400) 240 400 15000
Wide Skyscraper (160x600) 160 600 20000
Custom or special Talk to your FPI representative  2000


Where your ads will appear

a. Homepage | landing Page

b. Sub - Pages




Guide 1 Presentation Type: Carousel or Banner Option
  Size Leader board
  Location ad1
  Dimension 750 x 200 px
  File Size 200KB MAXIMUM :
  File Type .jpg , png
  File Naming Convention company name + dimension ( example: theforeignpost-728x90.jpg ) no space allowed.
File Format: .jpg, .png or .gif, convert flash to animated gifs.
provide 2 format (a) transparent in .png and (b) with your solid background

NOTE : For Banner Type, animated gif maybe allowed
  Presence Menu Pages and all articles under the chosen menu
  Description Carousel Description: Ads share space and impression with other ads while on the page. Carousel displays ads in sequential / random order in 300-500 sec intervals.

URL redirection : Involves Two steps
1. Link to the advertisers own article page within the FPI website.
2. Link to the advertisers desired external URL can be provided within this article page.

Banner Description: Ads share space and impression with other ads while on the page. Banner type displays ads in random order in every refresh of the page.

URL redirection : Involves one or two steps

1. Link to the advertisers own article page within the FPI website.
2. Link to the advertisers desired external URL can be provided within this article page.


1. Image Link directly to advertisers   URL
Guide 2 Presentation Type: Banner
  Location content - top
  Size Leader board
  Dimension 728 x 90 px
  File Size 200KB MAXIMUM :
  File Type .jpg , png, animated gif
  File Naming Convention company name + dimension ( example: theforeignpost-728x90.jpg ) no space allowed.
File Format: .jpg, .png or .gif, convert flash to animated gifs.
provide 2 format (a) transparent in .png and (b) with your solid background

NOTE : For Banner Type, animated gif maybe allowed
  Presence Menu Pages or articles
  Description Banner Description: Ads share space and impression with other ads while on the page. Banner type displays ads in random order in every refresh of the page.

URL redirection : Involves one or two steps

1. Link to the advertisers own article page within the FPI website.
2. Link to the advertisers desired external URL can be provided within this article page.


1. Image Link directly to advertisers   URL
Guide 3 Presentation Type: Banner
  Size Skyscraper | Button | Square |
  Location Right or Left
  Dimension W 120 - 300 px (maximum) x L 600 px (max)
  File Size 200KB MAXIMUM : (Refer to Dimension Tab for the general size guide)
  File Type .jpg , png, animated gif
  File Naming Convention company name + dimension ( example: theforeignpost-728x90.jpg ) no space allowed.
File Format: .jpg, .png or .gif, convert flash to animated gifs.
provide 2 format (a) transparent in .png and (b) with your solid background

NOTE : For Banner Type, animated gif maybe allowed
  Presence Menu Pages or articles
  Description Banner Description: Ads share space and impression with other ads while on the page. Banner type may displays ads in random order in every refresh of the page.

URL redirection : Involves one or two steps

1. Link to the advertisers own article page within the FPI website.
2. Link to the advertisers desired external URL can be provided within this article page.


1. Image Link directly to advertisers   URL
    content - bottom | main -bottom positions are for custom sizes. Talk to your FPI representation for your uniques ad requirement. You may leave your message in the contact form on this website
Guide 4 Presentation Type: Carousel or Banner Option
  Size Leader board
  Location main-bottom
  Dimension W 1200 x L 200 px
  File Size 200KB MAXIMUM :
  File Type .jpg , png
  File Naming Convention company name + dimension ( example: theforeignpost-728x90.jpg ) no space allowed.
File Format: .jpg, .png or .gif, convert flash to animated gifs.
provide 2 format (a) transparent in .png and (b) with your solid background

NOTE : For Banner Type, animated gif maybe allowed
  Presence Menu Pages or articles
  Description Carousel Description: Ads share space and impression with other ads while on the page. Carousel displays ads in sequential / random order in 300-500 sec intervals.

URL redirection : Involves Two steps
1. Link to the advertisers own article page within the FPI website.
2. Link to the advertisers desired external URL can be provided within this article page.

Banner Description: Ads share space and impression with other ads while on the page. Banner type displays ads in random order in every refresh of the page.

URL redirection : Involves one or two steps

1. Link to the advertisers own article page within the FPI website.
2. Link to the advertisers desired external URL can be provided within this article page.


1. Image Link directly to advertisers   URL
Guide 5 Presentation Type: Article with Image
  Size Rendered as a news article
  Location Article and News List per chosen category
  Dimension W 743 x L 400 px
  File Size 200KB MAXIMUM :
  File Type .jpg , png
  File Naming Convention company name + dimension ( example: theforeignpost-728x90.jpg ) no space allowed.
File Format: .jpg, .png or .gif, convert flash to animated gifs.
provide 2 format (a) transparent in .png and (b) with your solid background

NOTE : For Banner Type, animated gif maybe allowed
  Presence Menu Pages in news list and link to article
  Description Ad can use the whole article section chosen/submitted. Article can hold text and maximum of 2 images with the article content. Ads shares impression with other ads while on the page displayed in the different page positions. Banner type displays ads in random order in every refresh of the page.

Image URL redirection : Involves one or two steps

1. Link to the advertisers own article page within the FPI website.
2. Link to the advertisers desired external URL can be provided within this article page.


1. Image Link directly to advertisers   URL
  General HyperLink ing Guideline a. External URL is subject to FPI approval and compliance with the overall reputation/branding of FPI and advertising code of ethics.
    b. Internal article content is subject to FPI approval and compliance with the overall reputation/branding of FPI and advertising code of ethics.
    c. This guidelines is subject to change without prior notice


Contact The Foreign Post for Advertisement Rates:

3/F Rolfem Building, 4680 Old Sta. Mesa
corner Bagong Panahon Streets
Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines
T: +63  712 - 7182 , 712 - 7152
F: +63  713 - 7152

Click here to leave a message :


The Foreign Post is the newspaper of the International Community in the Philippines, published for foreign residents, Internationally-oriented Filipinos, and visitors to the country. It is written and edited to inform, to entertain, occasionally to educate, to provide a forum for international thinkers.


Contact Us

3/F Rolfem Building, 4680 Old Sta. Mesa
corner Bagong Panahon Streets
Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines
T: (+ 632) 8713 - 7182 , (+632) 8404-5250

