How big tech embraced disabled users

Paris, France - Buried beneath the hype of the artificial intelligence revolution, big tech is quietly rolling out services for disabled people that it hopes will push a greater transformation for customers.

Apple and Google are leading the field, harnessing the sensors and cameras of their best-selling smartphones that allow users to edit, enhance and improve their photos and audio.

Among the latest announcements, Apple unveiled its Live Speech feature in May that uses machine learning -- the term Apple uses for AI -- to re-create a user's voice.

The idea is to allow people who are at risk of losing the ability to speak to type messages and have them read out in their natural voices.

Google, meanwhile, is testing an upgrade to its Lookout app, a program that describes images to blind people and those with impaired vision.

The new version, Google says, will use AI to identify objects without the need for labelling.


- Digital 'kerb cuts' -


Both firms are keen to portray this as the norm.

"We try and put a lot of time in, early and often," Sarah Herrlinger, who leads Apple's accessibility projects, told AFP during a recent tech event in Paris.

When asked about the process behind developing a product like the Vision Pro -- a headset launched to great fanfare earlier this month -- she said the idea was "to make sure that, when we are at the point of making an announcement like that, we can say we've been thoughtful about this".

Google's accessibility chief Eve Andersson makes a similar point, telling AFP hundreds of people worked full-time on accessibility at the company.

"What's even more important is that we expect accessibility to be a core part of everybody's job who is creating products," she said.

If there is discord between the firms' approaches, it is more in emphasis than practicalities.

While Herrlinger stresses the rigour of Apple's targeting, Andersson is keen to talk up the way that such features end up improving everyone's lives.

She describes it as a digital "kerb cut", an idea named after the initiative to lower kerbs on pavements that was initially intended to help wheelchair users but also helped people with pushchairs, bicycles or those carrying anything awkward.

Andersson cites digital kerb cuts such as autocorrect, autocomplete and voice recognition software.

"A lot of this was originally developed as accessibility technology that now it's just productivity-enhancing, for all of us," she said.


- 'Marketplace reality' -


Google and Apple are among the most well-known brands on the planet and both describe how they develop accessibility features by gathering feedback from their vast numbers of users.

They are also among the richest firms, so they can go into fine-grain detail in their product planning.

Herrlinger said Apple had worked closely with Team Gleason, a charity formed by ex-American football player Steve Gleason who was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a rare, incurable and debilitating disease.

Apple worked with his foundation to make sure its products would work for those suffering from ALS.

But Apple and Google are not the only ones developing accessibility tech -- the widening availability of AI models has sparked huge creativity.

Microsoft has developed SeeingAI, which describes photos for visually impaired people, and there are a host of startups in the field.

French firm Sonar Vision is developing technology to guide visually impaired people around cities, and Equally AI is harnessing the ChatGPT bot to improve the accessibility of websites.

Manuel Pereira of the French Valentin Hauy association, which campaigns for greater accessibility, reckons AI has the potential to give blind and visually impaired people more autonomy.

But he had a warning for the companies in the field.

"If we fall into an economic model that emphasises profitability, the door can close as quickly as it opened," he said.

Google's Andersson makes the opposite point, saying the realisation that one billion people live with disabilities has jolted companies into realising what this could mean for their bottom line.

"It's marketplace reality, not every company does it out of the goodness of their hearts," she said.


© Agence France-Presse


Exmouth, United Kingdom - A leisure centre in Exmouth, southwest England, is using a small data centre to heat its indoor swimming pool, trialling an innovative solution that reduces its energy bills and carbon footprint.

An on-site installation captures heat generated by a bank of computers, bringing the oil that captures the excess heat.

25-metre swimming pool to the required temperature around 65 percent of the time, cutting reliance on gas boilers.

Deep Green, the UK company behind the project, gives the heat away for free and covers its own electricity costs but charges clients to use its computers that can power machine learning and artificial intelligence.

"It's a symbiotic relationship. We get our computers cooled for free," Deep Green CEO Mark Bjornsgaard told AFP at the Exmouth Leisure Centre, their flagship site.

"The pool is doing an equally big favour as we are."

Bjornsgaard lifted the lid of a white dishwasher-sized box, revealing computers immersed in a mineral

The oil then flows into a heat exchanger where it meets cold water from the pool.

"Normal data centres are simply venting that heat. They use an enormous amount of water to evaporate the heat away," Bjornsgaard said, adding that 99 percent of this heat is wasted into the atmosphere.

According to Bjornsgaard, around half of the cost of running a data centre goes towards keeping the computers cool.

"We don't have those costs. So from an environmental and sustainable point of view, it's a very good thing to do," he said.


- 'Significant savings' -


Peter Gilpin, CEO of LED Community Leisure, which runs the swimming pool, said the deployment of the Deep Green technology has been "very timely" after Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year sent energy prices soaring.

Utilities usually account for about a third of the total costs of running the leisure centre and the swimming pool's annual gas bill had more than tripled to nearly £80,000 ($102,000) before they installed the data centre in March, he added.

"We have been hit quite hard by that rising cost of gas through the winter but hopefully next winter a very large proportion of our heating costs will come through the Deep Green technology," Gilpin said.

While it's early to judge results over a long period of time, they are seeing "reductions in our gas consumption already" and "significant savings" even with energy costs coming down in recent months.

He added that "not only it reduces our energy costs and our gas consumption, which was the primary benefit but... we reduce our carbon footprint".

Gilpin said they are "proud" to have been the first site to deploy Deep Green's technology and are now looking into installing it at the other swimming pools that they run.

But now they might have competition.

Bjornsgaard said they have seen "demand go through the roof", with thousands of potential sites across Europe wanting to deploy their technology, especially swimming pools and district heating systems.

At the same time more and more companies are looking to use Deep Green computers because its "environmentally friendly" and "way cheaper than their normal cloud provider", Bjornsgaard said.

"But also we're doing some social good, right? We're heating a swimming pool and helping swimming pools to stay open," he added.


© Agence France-Presse

Kobarid, Slovenia -When Ana Ros started as a chef in Slovenia, all she had were some cookbooks and a bit of a "crazy" personality, as she herself puts it.

Now the self-taught cook -- who was named the world's best woman chef in 2017 -- has her two Michelin stars tattooed on her fingers, and is helping make her small Alpine homeland one of Europe's prime gastronomic destinations.

Ros quickly found she had a talent for "matching crazy flavours", like coffee pasta with sea bass, lemon foam and basil, one of the early dishes that helped make her name.

"Like a painter sees colours, the chef sees flavours, and I was always very well known for using very strong flavour combinations," the 50-year-old told AFP at her restaurant in the Soca valley close to the border with Italy.

Hisa Franko -- which Ros has been running for the last 20 years -- currently ranks 32nd in the World's 50 Best Restaurants list.

But it is not the only restaurant of note in the country sandwiched between Italy, Austria and Croatia.

The Michelin guide recommends 58 there, saying Slovenia "is asserting itself as a gastronomic destination whose potential and quality are constantly improving."


- 'Cooking from scratch' -


And a large part of that is down to innovative chefs like Ros, who has also featured in Netflix's "Chef's Table" series.

Hisa Franko was a family inn serving traditional fare when Ros's partner at the time, Valter Kramer, took it over from his parents in 2002.

Ros decided to join her husband in the restaurant, following her heart rather than pursuing her ambitions to pursue a diplomatic career in Brussels.

"At the beginning, it was just like cooking for survival... I started cooking from scratch," said the chef.

Right from the start, Ros developed a particular way of making "flavours hit your mind".

"Because my food is all about my character. A bit crazy... still childish" to some extent, she said.

Ros said her food is a combination of understanding the regional traditions and seasonality, but also her own personality.

After years of hard work, news about the remote restaurant with a talented woman chef started spreading, and Ros is now regarded as one of the world's best in a field still dominated by men.

"Sometimes you look like an exotic animal," she said. "But of course, the picture is changing with the new generation, who are super talented and super ambitious."

Hisa Franko now has a team of 40 people from around 20 countries working in her kitchen and she plans to open a bistro in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana.

The day she talked to AFP, her kitchen was turning out a starter of deer heart, oyster, kiwi and beetroot with mountain greens.


- 'Like a big family' -


The country's cuisine "is one of a kind" and deserves a place on the culinary map, according to Lior Kochavy, a founder of a weekly street food festival in the capital that also brings together leading restaurants.

"You will never be bored. There is all the time something new to try," he said.

With Slovenia a melting pot of Latin, Slavic and Germanic influences, other chefs also say they attract diners by honouring traditions, seasonality and sourcing food locally.

"We've always tried to make sure the distance between the field and the plate is as short as possible," said Tomaz Kavcic, who runs the one-star Michelin Gostilna pri Lojzetu (Lojze's Inn).

"In the past that might not have been appreciated much, but now it is very valued," he told AFP. His menu "writes itself with just the products we see" from the restaurant's terrace on a vineyard-covered hill.

Ros, too, said Slovenians have "always been using nature as their market".

"Farmers and foragers -- you grow with them, you learn from them, you teach them. It's kind of like a big family," she said.


© Agence France-Presse

Months after the spectacular launch of ChatGPT, the AI revolution is well underway but hints of caution are emerging, especially over letting one or two companies reign supreme.

The release of the poem-churning app by San Francisco-based OpenAI came at an opportune time for tech, landing just when the US giants were laying off thousands of workers and startups faced a funding winter after the collapse of cryptocurrencies. 

While generative AI’s powers spooked many, even drawing calls for a freeze in its development, the tech world welcomed the respite from an otherwise miserable 2022 when a pandemic-era tech boom imploded. 

But the crowds of startups and their backers meeting at the three-day Collision conference in Toronto heard second thoughts about artificial intelligence, even if convictions remained strong that it was here to stay.

“We’re about three steps into a 10K race,” said Adam Selipsky, the head of Amazon-owned AWS, the world’s biggest cloud company that is set to see a huge windfall from the AI excitement.

“The question is: where are the runners going? What’s the course like? Who’s watching the race?” Selipsky told a packed conference hall near the shores of Lake Ontario.

AWS is the archrival of Microsoft, the Redmond, Washington-based company that took the world by surprise earlier this year by diving head first into the ChatGPT goldrush.

Microsoft’s investment of billions of dollars into OpenAI launched an AI arms race, with Google following course by ramping up its release of AI-infused products, goading any company involved with technology to hurry out new capabilities.

“Like a lot of things, I think AI is overhyped in the short term and underhyped in the long term,” said Jordan Jacobs of Radical Ventures, a venture capital firm that has invested heavily in AI.

“But the difference with AI is that once you deploy it, it gets better and better and better,” meaning there is a real downside to coming in second place. 

He said this was not the case with the advent of the personal computer or the smartphone, when those who waited, like Apple, were the companies that won.

The benefit of coming out first seems to leave OpenAI and its powerful Microsoft backer in the driver’s seat.

But AWS’s Selipsky and others cautioned about going all-in with one big company, especially with a technology that voraciously feeds off data and computing power.

– ‘Choice’ –

Hundreds of companies and governments have gone as far to ban their employees from using ChatGPT, worried that sensitive information will be uploaded to strengthen OpenAI’s large language model, becoming available to all.

One of the “most important things that we hear from customers around the world all the time is choice,” Selipsky said.

“The world needs access to a whole bunch of models in a place that you trust and with the security you demand,” he said.

At Collision,, the online travel giant, announced a new product using OpenAI’s ChatGPT that will provide a conversational experience for users planning trips.

“This is just a start,” Rob Francis, chief technology officer of told AFP, all the while defending the company’s turn to OpenAI.

Models from the likes of OpenAI or Google, “they’re great for general purpose” like a chat about holiday plans, he said. 

But for more sensitive uses, companies will “start to run their own more tailored models, in their own environment,” he said.

As the world’s biggest companies rushed out their AI products, the startup community was warned not to take too much solace from the hype sparked by ChatGPT.

Even if generative AI has caught the world’s attention, “people are still approaching startup investment through a cautionary lens,” Vincent Harrison of PitchBook, the business research company, told AFP. 

“Deal activity is down, fundraising is down, the IPO environment is probably the worst that it’s been since the global financial crisis,” Harrison said.

“I think ChatGPT blew the minds of a lot of people… but is AI enough to bring things where we saw them in 2021? I don’t think so.”



Miura, Japan - It's cheap, recycled, and has centuries of tradition: "shimogoe" or "fertiliser from a person's bottom" is finding new favour in Japan as Ukraine's war hikes the price of chemical alternatives.

As in several parts of the world, the use of "night soil" to fertilise crops was once common in Japan.

However, the advent of sewage systems and treatment facilities, as well as chemical fertilisers, saw it fall out of fashion.

About a decade ago, Japanese treatment facilities wondered if they could revive interest to avoid sewage sludge disposal -- a costly and potentially environmentally damaging process.

But enthusiasm was limited until Russia's invasion of Ukraine sent the cost of chemical fertilisers soaring.

That has been a bonanza for a facility in northern Japan's Tome, where sales of shimogoe were up 160 percent year-on-year by March 2023.

For the first time since the city began producing the fertiliser in 2010, it has sold out.

The demand is easy to explain, said facility vice president Toshiaki Kato.

"Our fertiliser is popular because it is cheap, and it is helping farmers cut soaring costs," he told AFP.

"It is also good for the environment."

Made of a combination of treated sewage sludge from septic tanks and human waste from cesspits, the fertiliser goes for 160 yen ($1.10) per 15 kilos.

That's about a tenth of the price of products made from imported raw materials.

In southwestern Japan's Saga too, officials report sales are up two to three times.

And dozens of tour groups from municipalities elsewhere in the country have visited, eager to replicate their programme.


- Historic origins -


Shimogoe was a key fertiliser in Japan's pre-modern Edo era, said Arata Kobayashi, a fertiliser specialist who has written journal articles on the subject.

In the early 18th century, the one million residents of Tokyo -- then called Edo -- "produced" an estimated 500,000 tonnes of fertiliser a year.

It was big business, involving gatherers, transporters and farmers, "and all of them benefited from the recycling system," Kobayashi said.

They "didn't create a recycling system on purpose... it was the result of everyone pursuing profit."

Japan's government has encouraged the revival, citing environmental benefits, and concerns about food security since Russia's invasion.

The ministry of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries hopes to double animal manure and human waste use by 2030, with a goal of them accounting for 40 percent of all fertiliser use in Japan.

In Miura outside Tokyo, vacuum trucks carrying human waste arrive one after another at a treatment facility.

Water is removed and then bacteria ferment the remaining solids in huge tanks.

Methane produced during the process is burned to supply the facility's hot water and electricity, and the final product is a soil-like powder that can be spread on fields.

"We produce 500 tonnes of fertiliser annually," said Kenichi Ryose, facility manager at Miura Biomass Centre.

"This fertiliser is particularly good for leaf vegetables, like cabbage," he added.

Ryose said "harmful materials like heavy metals are removed from processed sewage sludge before arriving" at the plant.

In the United States, there have been recent concerns about the levels of so-called forever chemicals (PFAS) in fertiliser made from sewage.

An environment ministry official said similar concerns had not been reported in Japan, but noted there are no current guidelines for PFAS levels in soil.

"We're in the process of developing a scientifically reliable way to measure PFAS and studying how to regulate it," he said, speaking on condition of anonymity.


- 'Dirty mud' -


The sun is shining as the trucks arrive, and despite the facility's odour-absorbing machines, a distinct aroma fills the air.

The smell has proved something of a problem, admitted Nobuyoshi Fujiwara, 41, who runs a lettuce farm in Yokosuka, north of Miura.

He started using shimogoe last year, "because I wanted to cut costs, and for the social good" of recycling waste.

But "we can't use it in fields near houses, because there are complaints about the smell".

"Also, you have to spread four or five times the volume that you use with regular chemical fertilisers," he explained.

That's the case for any type of manure, but can be a turn-off for some farmers because it is more work.

He concedes that the fertiliser faces something of a branding issue.

"The Chinese characters that are used for sludge -- 'dirty mud' -- are not great," he said.

"Even though we produce safe food, I imagine that for those who don't know much about it, the impressions people have of fertiliser made from human faeces might not be good."

He doesn't want to hide his use of the fertiliser though. In fact, he would like to see it publicised.

"An official certification system would be helpful to promote our produce," he said.


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Seoul (AFP) – K-pop megastars BTS released their hotly anticipated memoir in South Korea on Sunday, marking their 10th anniversary as a group.

Paris, France - For decades there has been almost no improvement in the medical treatment of schizophrenia, one of the most serious and devastating of all mental illnesses, but recent advances have raised hopes of progress.

The condition often only hits the headlines after violent attacks by sufferers, such as a schizophrenic patient who stabbed a nurse to death last week in the French city of Reims.

But French psychiatrist Sonia Dollfus emphasised that such cases of violence by people with schizophrenia are "extremely rare".

"All the work done over the years trying to de-stigmatise this disease -- it is swept away in 24 hours," Dollfus told AFP.

Around one in every 300 people worldwide are affected by schizophrenia, according to the World Health Organization.

It causes a wide range of distressing delusional disorders, which vary in intensity between patients but often hugely disrupts their lives.

At least five percent of schizophrenia patients are estimated to die by suicide.

The condition is usually treated with a combination of anti-psychotic drugs, social support for reintegration, and psychological therapy.

Scottish psychiatrist Robin Murray, who has spent decades researching schizophrenia, told AFP that when it came to medication, "treatment has not changed dramatically" over the last 20 or 30 years.

He added that psychological therapy had improved in that time.

But unlike numerous other mental disorders -- particularly neurotic conditions -- taking serious drugs remains the cornerstone in treating schizophrenia.


- Innovation -


For drugs, there has been a "blank period since the 2010s, when pharmaceutical laboratories really withdrew from psychiatry," Dollfus said.

But there has been some innovation recently, she added.

One development have been apps that can track patients' progress, ensure timely follow-up sessions and contact psychiatrists if necessary.

Another is a new treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration last month.

The treatment, developed by the Israeli pharmaceutical firm Teva and France's MedinCell, involves the drug risperidone which has long been used for schizophrenia.

It has traditionally been prescribed as a daily pill, but the new treatment is administered via injection, allowing the drug to be gradually released in the body over several weeks.

This makes it impossible for patients to miss a daily pill.

Interruptions to medication, often brought about by the psychosis the illness causes, are a common problem in treating schizophrenia.

For example, the attacker in Reims had been off his medication, according to several sources.


- 'Really promising' -


This new way of administering an old medication is not the kind of revolution that a new drug would represent. But progress may soon be made in that area.

Dollfus said that some drugs currently being investigated are "really interesting" because they work in a different way than those of the past.

Traditionally, anti-psychotic drugs used to treat schizophrenia aim to block the action of dopamine, a molecule that acts as a chemical messenger in the brain.

However, dopamine seems to play a complex role in schizophrenia -- some patients can have excessive levels in some respects and insufficient levels in others.

Traditional anti-psychotic drugs, which tend to work well at stopping certain symptoms such as hallucinations, do not help in other areas, such as the loss of willpower or struggles with language and speech.

Recent research has focused on finding other molecules which regulate rather than block dopamine, while also acting on other areas thought to be involved in schizophrenia.

These treatments, such as one that targets a protein called TAAR1, are still some way away from being available to patients.

But the TAAR1 drug has had positive results from the most advanced stage of trials, known as phase 3.

"This is a really promising avenue," Dollfus said.


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SINGAPORE — Under flashing disco lights, residents at a Singapore care home held hands and danced to golden oldies as part of an initiative to help those with dementia.

They grooved to hits from the 1940s to the 1980s for about an hour in a silent disco format, listening to the tunes via headphones.

The playlist, curated to get them moving, featured tracks in English, Malay and Chinese dialects at the Apex Harmony Lodge, which specialises in taking care of people with dementia.

"I don't really know how to dance, I just mess around. I have thick skin," 54-year-old Ms Christine Chong, who has early-onset dementia, said cheekily.

Another resident, Mr Goh Kian Ho, 63, sang enthusiastically while tapping his foot and clapping his hands to a Hokkien number.  

"It's very good that we can play and sing," he said.

When the group began to tire from the upbeat boogie-woogie, the DJ slowed the pace with legendary Taiwanese crooner Teresa Teng's beloved 1970s track "The Moon Represents My Heart".

A facilitator led the group in waving their arms and swaying their bodies as they listened fondly to the timeless romantic ballad.

Singapore, like many Asian countries, has been grappling with an ageing population and rising dementia rates.

Singapore's Ministry of Health (MOH) estimates that 86,000 people — one in 10 aged 60 and above — have dementia, with the number expected to grow to 152,000 by 2030.

Research has shown music therapy can be helpful for people with certain conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, the most common type of dementia, which begins with memory loss and can lead to difficulty with conversation and cognition.

"We play old songs, and then they help to trigger the... emotions of our residents that are often associated with certain memories from their past, so this helps to provide a sense of familiarity and comfort for our residents," said Ms Grace Wong, an associate psychologist at Apex Harmony Lodge.


The silent disco, which runs weekly, was inspired by similar ones in nursing homes in the UK and Australia.

It was adapted to local musical tastes by Singaporean Mr Johnson Soh, a former music executive who set up his own company offering music programmes for seniors.

Mr Soh started it after his father was diagnosed with dementia and music from his generation seemed to help.

"He was my first guinea pig actually... his awareness was heightened," said Mr Soh.

More than 10 establishments in Singapore have adopted the programme since it began in 2019, according to Soh.

Dubbed "Return to the Tea Dance", the initiative aims to evoke happy memories of Sunday afternoon dances that were popular with young people in 1960s Singapore. 

"Everybody has a soundtrack to their lives, so there's always some music that would have impacted you sometime during your life," Soh said.

"It is inexplicable, I think music is something that really moves people."

Meanwhile, the dancing uncles and aunties continued their nostalgic sojourn as they loudly sang along to Doris Day's "Que Sera Sera".

"Whatever will be, will be." AFP

Like bomb squad technicians who just snipped the last wire on a ticking device, Joe Biden and top Republican Kevin McCarthy are breathing a sigh of relief after reaching a deal on the US debt ceiling.

The fact they are on opposing sides in the political war gripping Washington makes their exploit all the more remarkable.

Biden is a Democratic president running for re-election next year who initially refused even to negotiate over raising the debt ceiling, insisting that Republicans controling the House of Representatives had a constitutional duty to protect the country from default regardless.

McCarthy, who heads that narrow Republican House majority, had been dismissed by critics as a puppet of his party's most extreme right wing, loyal to ex-president Donald Trump and committed to bringing down Biden -- even if it meant provoking economic mayhem.

Yet after months of growing tension, Biden and McCarthy became the odd couple who set aside differences to save the US economy, shepherding a deal to success in the House late Thursday and onto an expected yes vote in the Senate by the end of this week.

With the Treasury Department calculating that the United States will run out of money next Monday unless Congress authorizes more borrowing, the deal didn't come a moment too soon.

Expectations for the two leaders could not have been much lower a few weeks ago.

 Not only is this an era of brutal partisan politics in the United States, but McCarthy is a newcomer in the speaker's job, while Biden is an unpopular president.

Just getting them to talk was the first hurdle.

"You've got two Irish guys who don't drink," Republican House negotiator Patrick McHenry joked about the pair of leaders at the height of the tense standoff. "The bonding opportunities are not the same as for an Irish guy like me."

Ultimately, Biden defied critics who complained that he was failing to engage.

 With four decades of experience in the Senate prior to entering the White House as Barack Obama's vice president, Biden knew exactly when to give "the space and the time" to his negotiating team, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said.

And behind the scenes, Biden was engaged constantly, including on a 4:30 am briefing call one Sunday, according to a CNN account retweeted Thursday by White House Communications Director Ben LaBolt.

As for McCarthy, detractors saw him as a lightweight beholden to Republicans who'd taken the debt ceiling hostage in a bid to humiliate Biden into cutting many of the Democrats' most cherished spending programs.

Although McCarthy did not secure most of those budget cuts, he did force Biden into some concessions and staved off -- for now at least -- the threat of rebellion from within his own ranks.

"Underestimated for damn sure," McHenry said on Wednesday, as the contours of the last-minute deal became clear. "Kevin McCarthy has always been underestimated."


Washington's newest parlor game is trying to ascertain who came out ahead in the mess.

The Biden camp can point to a deal that authorized government borrowing for two years, meaning there won't be the same drama during the 2024 election period.

Biden also got the Republicans to climb down on most of the initial demands they made as a condition for not letting the country default.

McCarthy's side, meanwhile, scored by muscling Biden into negotiations he said he'd never have at all. Weaponization of the debt ceiling -- previously a fairly humdrum accounting maneuver -- may now be a regular fact of life.


The speaker also faced down his party's most unruly characters, although anger at what they see as his sell-out to Biden could yet see a push for his removal.

"Both were able to save face given that neither party got everything they wanted," said Sarah Binder, a political science professor at George Washington University.


Ultimately, said Julian Zelizer, who teaches history at Princeton University, there's not much to celebrate beyond mere survival.

Biden had to negotiate to prevent economic disaster.

"And McCarthy, the same," Zelizer said.

"He had to talk, because his only ally to save the country from that was going to be the president and the Democrats and that's exactly what happened. So I think it's not really a mark of great legislative and political success."


SEOUL, May 7, 2023 (AFP) – Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said his “heart aches” for Koreans who suffered under colonialism, as Seoul and Tokyo seek a rapid reset of long-strained ties in the face of North Korean threats.

Kishida was in Seoul on the first official bilateral visit by a Japanese leader to South Korea in over a decade. He met President Yoon Suk Yeol, who has made improving testy relations with Japan a top priority for his administration.

The East Asian neighbours, both crucial security allies of the United States, have long been at odds over historic issues linked to Japan’s brutal 1910 to 1945 colonial occupation of the Korean peninsula, including sexual slavery and forced labour.

“My heart aches as many people went through a very difficult and sad experience in the harsh environment at that time,” Kishida said, speaking after the summit with Yoon.

Yoon said Kishida’s visit showed “shuttle diplomacy” — regular mutual visits and high-level talks — was back on track, after a lengthy pause during a bitter trade spat linked to the forced labour issue.

“Based on the friendship and trust I have with Prime Minister Kishida, I will promote deeper bilateral cooperation toward a new future,” said Yoon, who was in Tokyo in March for a fence-mending visit.

Bilateral ties were torpedoed in 2018, when South Korea’s Supreme Court ordered Japanese firms to compensate the wartime victims of forced labour, enraging Tokyo and triggering an escalating series of tit-for-tat economic measures.

But Yoon, who took office last year, has sought to bury the historical hatchet, earlier announcing a plan to compensate victims without direct involvement from Tokyo — a move that was unpopular domestically, but helped improve ties with Japan.

“As the South Korean government moves forward… I am touched to see how so many people are opening their hearts to the future while not forgetting the hardships of the past,” Kishida said Sunday.

– ‘Expression of sincerity’ –

Experts had widely predicted Tokyo would not offer a new apology, and Kishida stopped short of this, instead reaffirming the “heartfelt apology” made by previous administrations in Tokyo.

“There are parts of Kishida’s statement that definitely fall short of our expectations,” Choi Eunmi, a researcher at the Asan Institute for Policy Studies, told YTN.

“But even though he said it was his personal feeling, I would like to note his expression of sincerity. And I think this is meaningful as we are just taking our first step in restoring shuttle diplomacy.”

During their March summit, Kishida and Yoon agreed to end tit-for-tat trade curbs, with Kishida inviting the South Korean leader to a G7 meeting in Hiroshima this month.

For Yoon, it is long overdue that the two countries “end the vicious cycle of mutual hostility and work together” to improve regional security, he told AFP in March before he flew to Tokyo.

– ‘Grave threat’ –

Efforts to mend ties come as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who last year declared his country an “irreversible” nuclear power, doubles down on weapons development and testing.

Pyongyang has conducted a record-breaking string of launches in 2023, including test-firing the country’s first solid-fuel ballistic missile — a technical breakthrough.

The United States and South Korea have in turn been ramping up their defence cooperation, staging a series of major military exercises including two trilateral drills involving Japan this year.

“Prime Minister Kishida and I shared the recognition that North Korea’s nuclear and missile development poses a grave threat to peace and stability not only on the Korean Peninsula and Japan, but also throughout the world,” Yoon said Sunday.

The two leaders agreed to hold a trilateral meeting with the United States on the sidelines of the upcoming G7 summit.

Yoon recently returned from a state visit to Washington, where he and US President Joe Biden agreed to boost the United States’ nuclear defence of South Korea and improve cooperation with Japan.

“Further North Korean provocations and weapons developments are expected soon, so it is important for US allies to stay a step ahead of Pyongyang,” said Leif-Eric Easley, a professor at Ewha University in Seoul.

“They can do so by better coordinating sanctions enforcement, intelligence sharing, missile defense exercises, and anti-submarine drills. Progress on such trilateral cooperation is likely to be highlighted by a Biden-Yoon-Kishida meeting on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Hiroshima later this month.”


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The Foreign Post is the newspaper of the International Community in the Philippines, published for foreign residents, Internationally-oriented Filipinos, and visitors to the country. It is written and edited to inform, to entertain, occasionally to educate, to provide a forum for international thinkers.


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