SingaporeSingapore | 

Hundreds of "friendly" robots that speak multiple languages and sing are being rolled out across hi-tech Singapore, to help clean the city-state's hotels, shopping malls and government buildings.

Four of the robots, which have oval-shaped heads with lights for eyes, have already got down to work and it is hoped that 300 will be put into service by March next year.

They scrub, mop, vacuum and sweep autonomously, and can entertain by rapping in English.

The robots speak all four of multi-ethnic Singapore's official languages -- English, Malay, Mandarin, and Tamil -- plus Japanese and "Singlish", a local patois that mixes English with words from the myriad local tongues.

"I'm the coolest thing in town, I'll make your world light up, hey you're never gonna frown," rapped one of the robots as they were unveiled Wednesday. 

The devices, which come in 13 different models and are produced by local company LionsBot, also tell jokes or ask humans to move aside if they are in the way.

Humans can get a response from the robots by pressing a button called the "heart", or use an app to ask them how they are feeling or what their hobbies are. 

"Everybody knows a cleaner that's always friendly and would remember your name and say hi, so we hope to recreate that," LionsBot CEO Dylan Ng told AFP. 

The robots can be rented from Sg$1,350 (about $1,000) a month. 

LionsBot has signed agreements with six cleaning partners to deploy the robots gradually over the coming months as they are produced.  

Those already in use are in Changi Airport's new shopping and entertainment complex, an art gallery, a resort and an office building.

The robots also have a serious purpose: to help plug a labour shortage in the rapidly ageing country of 5.6 million people.

Ng stressed the robots were not intended to replace human cleaners, but to act as their assistants.






SingaporeSingapore | 

Smokers in Singapore will no longer have to sneak a drag on the street, with the launch of the city-state's first air-conditioned "smoking cabin", but the experience won few fans among cigarette puffers .

The city-state has some of the world's strictest anti-tobacco laws and smoking is banned in most public places, with a fine of up to Sg$1,000 ($725) if caught. E-cigarettes are also banned outright.

The new cabins, which are fitted with a Danish filtration system that can purify cigarette smoke before it is released into the air, can reportedly fit up to 10 people at a time.

But tobacco enthusiasts appeared unimpressed, with many choosing to light up at a nearby open-air smoking corner instead.

"The atmosphere in there is stifling, honestly. Because it's so small and squeezy, I feel a bit like a second-class citizen smoking in there," e-commerce executive Azfar Zain told AFP after using the cabin.

"There are no seats, either. I'm not comfortable with smoking there unless they make the room bigger."

Office worker Rama Dass said he preferred to smoke outside, adding, "sometimes I just need a bit of fresh air".

Singapore-based Southern Globe Corporation, which launched the cabin on Tuesday, said it planned to deploy 60 such structures by the end of the year.

Singapore first introduced anti-tobacco laws in the 1970s as part of a national effort to reduce smoking.

It has since expanded the number of public places where lighting up is prohibited, including university campuses, common areas around apartment blocks, and inside private cars with the windows down.


WashingtonUnited States | A kidney needed for transplantation has been delivered by a drone for the first time ever, the University of Maryland Medical Center said, a development that could herald faster and safer organ transport.

The specially designed high-tech drone was fitted with equipment to monitor the kidney along its three mile (five kilometer) journey to its recipient: a 44-year-old woman from Baltimore who had spent eight years on dialysis before the procedure. 

The drone, which required a special clearance from aviation regulators, took off  and flew at a height of 400 feet (120 meters) for about ten minutes before touching down at its destination.

Doctor Joseph Scalea, who was among the team of surgeons that performed the transplantation, hailed the project's success and said drone deliveries could help overcome delays that destroy an organ's viability.

"The next run could be over 30 miles, or 100. The distance is relatively unimportant," he told AFP Wednesday. "The most important part is, we were able to implement drone technology into the current system of transplantation and transportation."

Current transport methods involve expensive chartered flights or even variable commercial flights, occasionally resulting in delays, and cost typically around $5,000.

According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, there were nearly 114,000 people on waiting lists for an organ transplant in the US in 2018. 

About 1.5 percent of deceased donor organ shipments did not make it to their intended destination while nearly four percent of organ shipments had an unanticipated delay of two or more hours.

Scalea, who has founded a company that manages data for organ shipments, likened the system to an Uber-like service that would prove eventually prove less costly.

Cape TownSouth Africa |

Mopane worms are a traditional snack in South Africa, but a Cape Townrestaurant is set to crawl into the history books as the first to serve a full menu of bug-infused delicacies.

The Insect Experience, which opened its doors this month, is offering an alternative food source to the city's mainstream culinary experience.

The restaurant was opened by Gourmet Grub, a company that has already introduced Cape Town to dairy-free ice cream made from insect milk.

Co-founder and head of product development Leah Bessa has been investigating insects as a viable protein substitute. 

"In general insects are really high in protein and fat, comparable to red meat in their protein and fat content. The insects we use, the black soldier fly larvae, are much higher in zinc, iron and calcium than beef," she said.

According to Bessa, the insects are also high in dietary fibre and have no carbohydrate value. 

The bugs are bred by two local farmers and delivered straight to the restaurant.

Mealworms and mopane worms are some of the creepy-crawlies that chef Mario Barnard has included in his dishes.

In 2015, he went to Thailand and for the first time experienced dishes made with tarantulas and scorpions. 

"I knew then that I wanted to hide insects in food, incorporated into little gourmet dishes, to introduce to South Africans," Barnard said.

The restaurant serves mopane worm polenta fries, and black fly larvae chickpea croquettes paired with a mopane hummus and topped off with a sprinkle of dried mealworms.

For dessert, it offers a deep-fried dark chocolate black fly larvae ice cream.

"I chose these dishes for introducing insects to people because they're already familiar with them -- everyone knows polenta fries and croquettes," he said.

One customer told AFP: "It's delicious, it's flavourful and spicy, it's everything you want in food."

PamplonaSpain | 

Thousands of revellers raised candles and red scarves in the air and swayed back and forth as they sang a mournful song to mark the end of Spain's most famous bull running festival in Pamplona which saw eight daredevils gored this year.

"Poor me, poor me, the San Fermin fiesta has come to an end," the crowd sang just after the stroke of midnight in front of city hall in the Plaza Consistorial as fireworks lit up the sky above.

"People of Pamplona, the San Fermin festival is over, the best festival in the world," Pamplona mayor Enrique Maya said from the balcony of city hall to cheers from the crowd just before the singing began.

The nine-day San Fermin festival, which dates back to medieval times, features concerts, religious processions, folk dancing, and round-the-clock drinking.

But the highlight is a bracing, daily test of courage against a thundering pack of half-tonne, sharp-horned bulls.

Each morning hundreds of runners, many dressed in white with red scarves and sashes, test their valour by sprinting with six half-tonne bulls along an 850-metre (2,800-foot) course through the narrow streets of the city in northern Spain.

The most daring try to run as long as they can right in front of the beasts' horns before veering off to the side or diving under the wooden barriers that separate the bulls and runners from the thousands of spectators from around the world that line the route.

Two Australians aged 27 and 30, as well as a 25-year-old Spaniard, were gored during the final bull run of the festival  by a half-tonne fighting bull which became separated from the pack moments into the run and began charging people in its way, regional health authorities said.

The three men suffered injuries to the armpit, arm and leg from the bull's horns. 

Isolated bulls are more likely to get disoriented and start charging at people.

That brought to eight the total number of daredevils who were gored by a bull during this year's fiesta.

- 'Saw blood' -


At the end of the festival's first run, a bull ran over and sunk one of its horns deep in the neck of a 46-year-old lawyer from San Francisco, Jaime Alvarez, narrowly missing key arteries. 

He was injured as he was trying to take a video-selfie with his mobile phone.

"It was like a truck or car just hitting me in the side of the head. I put my hand on my neck and I saw blood," he told US television from a Pamplona hospital.

He was released from hospital two days later.

Another 23-year-old American from Kentucky and a 40-year-old Spaniard were also gored that day.

In addition to the eight men who were gored, another 27 people were taken to hospital for broken bones and bruises suffered during the bull runs.

About 500 more people were treated at the scene for more minor injuries, according to the Red Cross.

- Deaths -


The festival, made famous worldwide by Ernest Hemingway's 1926 novel "The Sun Also Rises", claims scores of casualties every year although last year just two men were gored.

Sixteen people have been killed in the bull runs since records started in 1911.

The last death was in 2009 when a bull gored a 27-year-old Spaniard in the neck, heart and lungs.

The bulls face almost certain death in afternoon bullfights, and earlier this month animal rights activists staged a "die-in" demonstration in the streets of the city to protest the tradition.

ParisFrance |A French travel publisher presented  its first guide book for North Korea, offering 190 pages of tips for getting the most out of a trip to experience the "survival of a totalitarian communist state".

"The guide wasn't conceived to defend the current regime or to cast judgment, but to show the genuine touristic interest of the country," Jean-Paul Labourdette, a co-founder of the "Petit Fute" guides, said in Paris.

He said 4,000 copies had been printed -- more than enough for the estimated 400 French tourists which head each year to the pariah state, which has been isolated from the international community for decades.

North Korea has endured harsh UN sanctions to pursue its nuclear weapons programme under the Kim dynasty, which implemented a dictatorship that has been accused of provoking widespread hunger and human rights abuses.

The French foreign ministry strongly discourages tourists from visiting, while the US State Department only rarely grants exceptional permits for Americans hoping to travel to North Korea.

But Labourdette said "there are no security issues" for travellers, though he admitted "very restrictive" conditions, not least tight surveillance that limits foreigners to just a handful of hotels and restaurants.

And while tourist visas are readily granted, the guide warns that missteps are costly: "The punishments can be severe... as was the case for the American student Otto Warmbier."

Warmbier, an Ohio native who studied at the University of Virginia, was pulled away from his tour group at the Pyongyang airport in 2016 and charged with crimes against the state for allegedly taking down a propaganda poster in his hotel.

He was sentenced to 15 years of hard labour. 

After lengthy negotiations between Washington and Pyongyang, Warmbier was released in a vegetative state in 2017 but died a few days later on American soil.



- 'Don't take pictures' -


Mainstream travel guides have steered clear of the repressive nation, with English-language stalwarts like "Lonely Planet" limiting their coverage to a few chapters in their Korea books.

"Don't take any pictures of airports, road, bridges or train stations," the "Petit Fute" warns, and make sure you don't throw away or even fold any newspaper with a picture of former or current leaders.

"Roll it up instead," the guide advises.

The book comes as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and US President Donald Trump are holding halting talks on ending the country's nuclear weapons efforts.

"We launched this project four years ago, we didn't wait for Donald and Kim to start their little friendship," Labourdette said. "But it took quite a while to find qualified French writers." 

"Petit Fute" aims to publish guides on all the world's countries, or 204 instead of the 175 it covers now.

"We still don't have Iraq, Saudi Arabia or Liberia," Labourdette said.


ParisFrance |The legendary treasure of ancient Egypt's boy pharaoh Tutankhamun, some of which is touring the world for the first time, is shrouded in richness and mystery.

Here are some facts: 


- Hoard uncovered intact -


The tomb of Tutankhamun, who died aged 19 in 1324 BC after nine years on the throne, was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor in November 1922.

The hoard of more than 4,500 objects laid out across five rooms included thrones, statues, jewels, furniture and weapons.

It is pharaonic Egypt's only mausoleum found so far with its burial artefacts intact.

Many other resting places of pharaohs and dignitaries had been pillaged by tomb robbers down the centuries.


- Golden treasures -


Among the discovered artefacts are a gilded bed featuring posts made of carved lion heads, a chariot, and a gold-handled dagger that experts say was forged from the iron of meteorites.

The walls of the chamber in which Tutankhamun was laid to rest were covered in gold; his coffin is a three-piece sarcophagus, the innermost 110 kilogrammes (240 pounds) of solid gold.

His funeral mask, now one of the world's most instantly recognisable Egyptian artefacts, is made of gold inlaid with lapis lazuli and with eyes of obsidian and quartz.

The mask was damaged in 2014 when its beard, symbol of the pharaohs, was knocked off during maintenance in the Cairo Museum. It was stuck back on with epoxy glue and took a team of German experts two months of restoration work to fix the botched repair.


- Enigma -


Tests have established that Tutankhamun's father was the pharaoh Akhenaten, who ruled between 1351 and 1334 BC.

Akhenaten was the husband of the legendary beauty Queen Nefertiti.

Another mummy has been confirmed as Tutankhamun's mother, whose name is not known. That discovery ended the theory that Tutankhamun was the son of Nefertiti.

The mother was a sister of Akhenaten, with genetic analyses showing incest between the parents.

It was at the age of nine, towards 1333 BC, that Tutankhamun is believed to have acceded to the throne of Upper and Lower Egypt, although his exact age and dates vary from one expert to another.


- Reign -


Tutankhamun's reign coincided with a troubled time in Egyptian history known as the Amarna period, during which Akhenaten tried to radically transform religion to focus on just one god, Aton.

Tutankhamum is believed to have married his half-sister Ankhesenpaaten, with marriage between brother and sister commonplace in the Egypt of the pharaohs.

He sired two children, both girls, but they died in the womb, according to experts.


- Death -


The death of Tutankhamun, which ended the 18th dynasty under the period of Egyptian history known as the New Kingdom, had been a mystery.

It was blamed variously on a chariot accident, illness or murder.

In 2010 a study of DNA tests and CT scans concluded that he suffered from an often-fatal form of malaria and a club foot that caused him to walk with a cane.


-  'Curse' of King Tut -


Several months after the fabulous discovery, Britain's Lord Carnarvon, who financed the research, died in April 1923 of septicaemia following an infected cut. 

His death fuelled speculation that the fabled "curse of the pharaohs" had struck one of those responsible for violating the tomb of "King Tut".

Archaeologist Carter himself died in 1939 without ever achieving the publication of his findings.

One explanation put forward for the deaths is the existence of poisonous fungi found on black spots within the tomb.

British crime queen Agatha Christie based one of her famous short stories, "The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb", on King Tut's curse.


KnyazhitsyBelarus | 

Since he was a child, Alexei Usikov liked to make things. 

His latest invention is what he proudly calls a "horse-mobile" -- a dilapidated red car pulled by a horse that he rides through the Belarusian countryside.

"It's more reliable than a car, it won't let you down," the 31-year-old farmer told AFP, flashing a toothless smile.

Usikov lives in the tiny village of Knyazhitsy in Belarus's eastern Mogilev region.

When a neighbour offered him the remains of his old Audi 80, Usikov cut up the car's frame and removed its engine.

He made holes where the steering wheel was and slid reins through plastic tubes to attach them to his horse. 

"Now it's an Audi 40, as half of it is missing," he joked.

The young farmer uses his invention to get to the collective farm where he works, looking after livestock for around 200 euros a month.

He also uses it for working in the field, including for ploughing and seeding.

"My colleagues could not believe it when I first arrived at work in a horse car," Usikov said.

"They were surprised because you can play music in the car, the horn works and everything is well equipped."

Usikov outfitted his car with a small coal stove. It is linked to a pipe on the roof that blows out smoke and keeps him warm in winter.

The "horse-mobile" has made Usikov famous among villagers.

"There are not many young people today who can do that,"  said a local saleswoman.

"It's the 21st century when there are computers and phones, but he's trying to keep up the traditions of the old days."

At first traffic police were not sure how to respond. Once a bewildered policeman stopped the vehicle and called his boss.

His chief praised Usikov's creative spirit.

"Well done," he said. "Wish him a safe trip."


Miami BeachUnited States |Spring Break is a US holiday known for excessive partying, but in Miami Beach, one of the centers of festivities, residents have had enough.

Every March, the bar-lined ocean-front area fills up with students from across the country, drinking, partying and stripping down to the bare essentials.

The drunken revelry has reached such chaotic heights this year -- with drunken brawls on the beachfront and a tourist falling to her death out of a car window -- that the authorities have decided to call time on the wild festivities.

Riot police have begun patrolling the waterfront, with police vans parked nearby to detain party people who go too far.

The authorities have said they will no longer ignore people consuming alcohol or lighting up joints on the beach.

"We are here just to have fun," said 18-year-old student Jack Rogers from Towson University in Maryland. "It's spring break." 

"Obviously, people are getting a little out of hand," he said, sitting on a seafront wall with friends.  

As night falls, the crowds move towards Ocean Drive, the road running along the beachfront and filled with bars and restaurants offering happy hour discounts on monster-sized cocktails.

In the mornings, as the tropical heat rises, the streets reek of urine.

Partygoers have been filming their antics and sharing them on social media. One posted video of a driver serving drinks to another passing vehicle on a major causeway, while a separate clip shows people brawling in the street with a woman knocked out by a man who punches her in the face.

The clips shed some light on the atmosphere in which Mariah Michelle Logan, a tourist from Chicago, met her end around daybreak last Sunday.

The 23-year-old fell out the window of a speeding car on the road to the airport as she leaned out to yell, "Bye Miami!" She was then hit by another car and killed. 

The tragedy, combined with images of stampedes and 20-year-olds drinking alcohol through plastic funnels, forced the authorities to come up with an emergency plan on Tuesday to establish order next week, the last stretch of the holiday.

"I think we need to eliminate this Spring Break phenomenon as soon as possible," said John Elizabeth Aleman, city commissioner for Miami Beach.

"I think we need to make it a lot less fun to be here, unfortunately, for that type of tourism," she said.


- 'You will be arrested' -


"You can't stop people from having fun," said Marta Ramirez, a 70-year-old resident of Miami Beach. "But they should try to show a little more respect. Let them dance and have fun, but with order." 

The police slogan for those heading to Miami for Spring Break this year was: "Come on vacation, don't leave on probation." 

Clearly, the message has not got through, even though last November police chief Daniel Oates sent his own message to fraternities and sororities of colleges across the country: "If you come to Miami Beach for Spring Break, you must obey our laws. If you do not, you will be arrested." 

At the emergency council meeting there was even talk of imposing a curfew. 

In the end, city commissioners decided not to go that far, but they did pledge special measures, including extra police and patrols on quad bikes confiscating alcohol on the beach.

Residential areas of the island will be closed off with barricades for the last weekend of the break season, and there will be license plate checks and plainclothes police officers mingling with the crowds.

"This is not a place where everything goes, and if that is their reason for coming here, they should go elsewhere," said Mayor Dan Gelber. 

ParisFrance | France became the first country to ban a type of breast implant that has been linked to a rare form of cancer.

The ban covers certain types of implants with a textured surface or polyurethane coating.

The National Agency for Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) said the ban was a "precautionary measure" taken in light of the "rare but serious danger" posed by the implants, which have been linked to anaplastic large-cell lymphoma (BIA- ALCL), a rare type of cancer that attacks the immune system.

But it did not recommend that the some 70,000 women believed to have received the implants -- of an estimated 400,000-500,000 French implant wearers -- undergo surgery to have them removed.

Silicone implants are used in breast enhancements, or for reconstructive purposes after a mastectomy for breast cancer. They can either be smooth, textured or coated in polyurethane. 

Textured implants, which are designed to stick to the breast tissue to avoid slipping out of position, are the most popular in France.

The Food and Drug Administration in the United States, where the smooth models are more popular, held two days of public hearings last month on the risks posed by implants.

The agency, which wrote to healthcare providers in February warning them of the link between implants and BIA-ALCL, told AFP it would announce a decision "in the coming weeks". 

The ANSM said it had noted a "significant increase in cases of anaplastic large-cell lymphoma linked to the wearing of breast implants since 2011."

It said it had recorded 59 cases of the cancer among French implant wearers, of whom three had died.

"The more the implant is textured and rough the greater the risk of BIA-ALCL," it said.

"We have no scientific explanation for the development of ALCL, all we have are observations," Thierry Thomas, the agency's deputy director for health devices, told a press conference.

Of the 457 cases of BIA-ALCL recorded in implant wearers worldwide as of September 30, 2018, at least 310 were found in wearers of textured implants, according to the FDA.

Canada, which has 22 confirmed and a further 22 suspected cases of BIA-ALCL, is also reviewing their safety while in European Union, several national health authorities have formed a working group to exchange information.


- Man in implant scandal dies -


Some studies suggest that inflammation caused by the textured implants rubbing against breast tissue could cause BIA-ALCL.

The ban covers several models from US manufacturer Allergan that had already been withdrawn from sale in December as well as similar models from France's Arion and Sebbin, Britain's Nagor and Eurosilicone and German's Polytech.

Several implant wearers have already launched legal action against Allergan, accusing it of "deliberately endangering the lives of others".

The president of the French Society for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, Sebastien Garson, said the move would "complicate things" for medical practitioners, who would have fewer implant models to offer patients.

France was at the centre of a major scandal involving implants in 2010 after it emerged that the maker of a popular brand of implants had been filling them with a cheap industrial-grade silicone gel, which was more dangerous for wearers than medical-grade silicone.

The French government recommended that women have the implants removed.

Jean-Claude Mas, the founder of Poly Implant Prothese (PIP), died on Thursday aged 79, his lawyer said.

He was sentenced to four years in prison for fraud but never served jail time after spending eight months in pre-trial detention in 2012. 

PIP was shut down.


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The Foreign Post is the newspaper of the International Community in the Philippines, published for foreign residents, Internationally-oriented Filipinos, and visitors to the country. It is written and edited to inform, to entertain, occasionally to educate, to provide a forum for international thinkers.


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